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Search Results for “Mortgage Help”

Found 31 results for "Mortgage Help"

  1. Additional Mortgage Help Resources

    Additional state programs may be available if you are continuing to experience difficulty in making mortgage payments or facing foreclosure. The following state programs may be able to assist you. 

  2. Assumable mortgage: what it is and how it works

    An assumable mortgage allows a buyer to assume the rate, repayment period, current principal balance and other terms of the seller’s existing mortgage rather than obtain a brand-new mortgage.

  3. Avoiding mortgage delinquency

    Delinquency is a serious problem that can do long-term damage to your finances. Here are a set of practical guidelines you can use to fight it.

  4. Getting Help After A Storm

    Severe storms (such as hurricanes and tornadoes) can strike anywhere in the United States. If your area is affected, stay alert to potential dangers and problems. 

  5. Understanding your mortgage payment

    Knowing more about what makes up your mortgage payment can help you save money—and reduce the term of your loan. Take a look at some common questions about what goes into your mortgage payment, and how you can use that knowledge to your advantage.