There are alternative programs that may be available to you to avoid foreclosure. Know your options.
Search Results for “Avoid Foreclosure”
Alternative payment programs can help you avoid foreclosure
HUD Fair Housing: Top 10 Tips to Avoid Foreclosure
Are you concerned that you may be facing foreclosure? Read the full article to learn your options.
Avoiding mortgage delinquency
Delinquency is a serious problem that can do long-term damage to your finances. Here are a set of practical guidelines you can use to fight it.
Mortgage Servicing Glossary
Review our glossary of terms in order to make educated decisions and ask the right questions!
Additional Mortgage Help Resources
Additional state programs may be available if you are continuing to experience difficulty in making mortgage payments or facing foreclosure. The following state programs may be able to assist you.
HUD-Approved Mortgage Counseling
Are you unable to make your mortgage payment? Are you unsure of what to do next? Read the full article to learn more.
What is Loss Mitigation?
If you stop making your mortgage payments, you could be facing foreclosure. “Loss mitigation” is where we work with you to avoid that. This article explains what you need to know about loss mitigation—and what you need to do.
What is Mortgage Servicing?
If you are new to mortgage servicing, read the full article to learn more.
Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing Forms
We have provided the documentation to help you develop workable alternatives that avoid foreclosure and other legal actions.